Friday, September 17, 2010

Foxy Brown Performed At Incubator Fashion Show Looking Like... Well, This

There Are Way Too Many Things Wrong With This Picture, And I am Deeply Concerned.  Blue Contacts? Bad Weave? Ill Fitting Dress? What In The Waka Flocka Flame Is Going On Here? I Know Its A Recession & We Can't All Afford To Have Rachel Zoe Style Us, But Laqweesha From The Bronx Could Have Told Foxy That This Look Was Just Awful! If You're Rocking A Gut Full Of Chicken, Your Options Are 1) Suck It In 2) Invest In A Pair Of Spanx Or 3) Buy Shit That Fits.  This Is Not A Good Look, UNLESS The Goal Was To Get People To Point And Laugh, In That Case Foxy, You NAILED It!! Go Girl.

1 comment:

  1. hmmmmmm.....
    for YEARS ive always been confused about her question always comes to mind....WHY?????????????????????????????????????????????????????
